Your Time to Blossom?

I ran across this quote the other day – “And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” Anais Nin I love this quote as it so beautifully expresses the duality of the dilema – there is risk of vulnerability if […] Read more…

Fertility Secrets On-Line Speaker Series

Are you or someone you know struggling to conceive? Or panicked about miscarriages? My friend Mary Goyer, MS has put together a series of training calls to support you – with the help of 20 Fertility Experts. Learn how you can use their advice as you develop your very own holistic plan – one that […] Read more…

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Push the Pause Button!

My four year old daughter has now mastered how and when to push the pause button on the television remote.  Usually this action is taken so as not to miss her favorite show  when needing a potty break!  Children that age are so eager to experience EVERYTHING that they become desperate not to miss ANYTHING.  […] Read more…

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